Executive Business Accelerator - A global vocation
Executive Business Accelerator vous invite
Venez échanger avec l'équipe dirigeante sur l'activité de l'EBA en faveur des startups et des entreprises de croissance : création, restructuration, consolidation, implantation sur les marchés globaux Etats-Unis, Europe, MENA, Afrique, Russie, Chine. Plus de 12 entreprises en accélération :
1 spin-off
8 early stage
1 de 2M€ Turnover
1 de 130M€ Turnover
1 de 200M€ Turnover
Qui sommes-nous ?
Created at the initiative of entrepreneurs - investors from the Harvard Business School and Europe’s GrandesEcoles, the EBA 's mission is to:
Consolidate or accelerate the international development of high potential projects (re-prototyping/funding/opening key accounts worldwide and pre- marketing)
Support leaders who want to create or acquire a business, co-found, co-invest or incorporate a startup in an operational or functional position
The EBA is also dedicated to supporting companies in:
The drive of their innovational projects in startup mode operation ; Securing their acquisitions or spin-offs